mardi 30 décembre 2008

2 saoudiens ont étés décapités pour un 'viol' sur un autre homme, peine de mort

2 Saudis have been beheaded for 'rape' on another man, death penalty
Saudi arabia

Arabie Saoudite (Répression)

Accusés de viol, deux homosexuels ont été décapités

À Ryad, le ministère de l'Intérieur a rendu publique la décapitation au sabre de deux Saoudiens, le 26 décembre. Condamnés à mort pour le viol d'un homme, ces deux homosexuels ont vu leurs noms publiés dans la presse du Royaume wahhabite. Ils ont été accusés d'être entrés dans la chambre d'un homme alors qu'il dormait, de l'avoir battu, attaché puis violé. Des informations qui n'ont pas pu être vérifiées: une campagne de répression dans la communauté homosexuelle, semblable à celle engagée par l'Iran en 2007, tarit les sources d'information en Arabie saoudite.

Depuis mars 2008, en effet, des centaines de présumés homosexuels ont été arrêtés lors de soirées. Cet été, 55 jeunes hommes ont été interpellés par le Comité pour la propagation de la vertu et la prévention du vice, sorte de police des moeurs, lors d'une «soirée dansante homosexuelle» (lire article du 5 août). Aucune information ne filtre depuis sur leur sort. Le 11 août, deux prostitués philippins illégaux étaient interpellés; selon leur ambassade, ils faisaient l'objet d'accusations de sodomie. Fin 2007, deux hommes ont été condamnés à 7.000 coups de fouet (lire article du 8 octobre).

Le crime de sodomie est passible de peine de mort en Arabie saoudite. Mais, face aux protestations d'une partie de la communauté internationale, le royaume a déclaré n'appliquer la sentence suprême, à partir de 2002, qu'en cas de condamnation pour pédophilie, viol, agression sexuelle ou meurtre. Or on sait qu'en Iran voisin, les condamnations à mort pour viol masquent de fait une répression sanglante de l'homosexualité.


Saudi Arabia (Suppression)

Accused of rape, two homosexuals were beheaded

In Riyadh, the Interior Ministry announced the beheading of two saber Saudis, December 26. Sentenced to death for the rape of a man, these two homosexuals had their names published in the press of the Wahhabi kingdom. They were accused of entering the room of a man while he slept, for having beaten, tied and then violated. Information that could not be verified: a campaign of repression in the homosexual community, similar to that initiated by Iran in 2007, drying up the sources of information in Saudi Arabia.

Since March 2008, in fact, hundreds of suspected homosexuals were arrested during evenings. This summer, 55 young men were arrested by the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a kind of morality police, at a gay dance party "(read article in the Aug. 5). No information will filter on their fate since. On 11 August, two Filipino illegal prostitutes were arrested, according to their embassy, they were subject to charges of sodomy. In late 2007, two men were sentenced to 7,000 lashes (read article in the October 8).

The crime of sodomy is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. But, faced with protests from part of the international community, the kingdom said it will apply the highest award, from 2002, that in case of conviction for pedophilia, rape, sexual assault or murder. But we know that in neighboring Iran, death sentences for rape mask made a bloody repression of homosexuality.

dimanche 21 décembre 2008

good hanoucca

je souhaite une bonne HANOUCCA à tous mes amis juifs dans le monde, je n'oublie pas que ce sont mes frères et soeurs

I want a good Hanukkah to all my Jewish friends in the world, I remember that they are my brothers and sisters

samedi 29 novembre 2008

ZIZI JEANMAIRE song mon 'truc en plumes' live

regine, 'jai la boule au plafond'

regine 'la grand zoa'

ZIZI JEANMAIRE song mon 'truc en plumes'

ZIZI JEANMAIRE song mon 'truc en plumes'" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="358" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true">

mercredi 5 novembre 2008

le grand leo, la vie d'artites

thank président OBAMA


Welcome Mr. President

We congratulate you on your election victory, we owe you men and women of all countries, you have a partner in your struggle, you soothe the old demons, I am sure most U.S.
thank you and good luck to your country

bienvenue monsieur le président

nous vous félicitons pour votre élection triomphale, nous vous devons beaucoup hommes et femmes de tous les pays, vous nous avez associé dans votre combat, vous avez apaisez les vieux démons, je ne doute plus des états unis
merci et bonne chance à votre pays


jeudi 30 octobre 2008

voting machines accused of voting for républican

Voting machines accused of voting for republican

NOUVELOBS.COM ¦ 29.10.2008 ¦ 11:59

While, during the early votes, several appeals were put down(deposited) by voters, an association filmed the test of one of the questioned voting machines. This one transforms well the democratic votes into republican votes.

An image extracted from the video (DR)

An image extracted from the video (DR)

The association " Video the Vote ", the purpose of which is to watch the good progress of the American presidential election, has just put on-line a video seeming to confirm the first charges of dysfunctions of voting machines during the early votes.
For several weeks, the voters of several States already have indeed the possibility of voting, either by correspondence, or by e-mail, or by going(surrendering) in a polling station. Now, in several States, complaints were put down(deposited) by voters asserting that their vote was modified, and always in the sense(direction) of the democratic candidate towards the republican candidate.
For some days, various business(affairs) is relieved by the local press, notably in Tennessee and in Western Virginia. In each of these States, three voters put down(deposited) appeals.

In the presence of an official

The association " Video the Vote " thus decided to go(surrender) in a polling station of the county of Jackson, in Western Virginia, to verify, in the presence of an official, the good functioning of these machines.
Now, the test seems oppressive: effectively, every time the person in charge tries to vote for democrat, the vote refers on John McCain or on Chuck Baldwin, another candidate. The procedure foresees(plans) that in case of dysfunction, the machine has to be " recalibrée ", what makes the person in charge of the polling station. The machine seems at first to work correctly, but quickly, it begins again to modify the votes, this time of republican towards the independent Ralf Nader.

- The video

- Home Simpson tries to vote for Obama, a video alignment(on-line publishing) at the beginning of October

voting machines accused of

mercredi 29 octobre 2008

mc cain accident 1964, army .........

The American army would try to hide génantes information on McCain

NOUVELOBS.COM ¦ 29.10.2008 ¦ 11:56

According to an information of the magazine Vanity Fair and NS New Service, the republican candidate would have hurt(damaged) or killed a man in 1964 in a car accident. Marine would try to prevent the information on this accident from making surface.

John McCain (Reuters)

John McCain (Reuters)

The American magazine Vanity fair and the information department " NS New Service " undertook in a legal battle with American Marine about a car accident in which the republican candidate for the White House John McCain would be involved. The affair(business) is not commonplace because both media evoke an accident which would have even damaged caused the death of the victim. Marine would refuse to pass on them documents, so going against the law FOIA (Freedom Act of Information).
According to " a source(spring) close to the file ", John McCain would have provoked a car accident in 1964 in the naval base of Virginia, hurtful or killing a man. The incident would have been hidden up to there from the public by Marine. According to the magazine and the information department, " Marine would have tried to protect John McCain, the former(ancient) officer of Marine, senator and candidate for the presidential elections, by hiding her involvement(implication) in a grave car accident ".
Repeatedly, the magazine and the information department would have made an inquiry in conformance with the law FOIA, which would have every time ended in a refusal.

" Reached(affected) the private life "

A first demand concerns John McCain's affectation(appointment) to the hospital of Marine after the accident. Marine explains her asserting refusal that the demand establishes(constitutes) " an imminent threat for the life or the physical safety(security) of an individual " and " an infringement(achievement) on the private life ". Vanity Fair and the information department would have appealed to this decision and demanded an accelerated(boosted) treatment of the answer, to obtain the information before the election of November 4th. Marine also refused this demand.
As which could not obtain information by Marine, the magazine and " NS New Service " threw(launched) an emergency appeal for witnesses because everything seems to indicate that " Marine tries actively to limit the access to the information about the accident ".

dimanche 26 octobre 2008

les roseaux sauvages ou pour la premiere fois une bande de jeunes se cherche en pleine guerre d'algerie,

pour la 1ere fois, des acteurs nouveaux ont insuflés au cinéma francais un ton nouveau et enfin andré techiné se reconcila avec son passé gael morel qui apres etre plusieurs fois acteur devint réalisateur stepanne rideau, l'icone gay par excellence connu dans tous le mond entier sauf chez barbus, frederic gorny le seul bi? gay? , peu importe, il continue encore dans la série francaise avocats et associés dans le role du gay, mais pour une fois pas une pleureuse

new wave gael morel

les aitiés particulières

thank wenou

woah!!!!!!!!!!!! sélectionné dans Sexy

vendredi 24 octobre 2008

vid sarah paylin, lisa ann ou sarah palin

Les premières minutes du porno "Who's Nailin' Paylin" - Nouvel Obs
Hustler, propriété du roi du porno Larry Flint, a sorti un film X dont le rôle principal est tenu par un sosie de Sarah Palin. Voici les premières minutes du film , dans lesquelles la fausse vice-présidente reçoit la visite de ses voisins russes.

lundi 13 octobre 2008

hommage à guillaume depardieu

un immense acteur nous a quitté ce jour, guillaume depardieu, j'ai pleuré,

c'était un jeune homme de 37 printemps, il est parti très tôt, il avait mal à la vie, c'était un écorché vif, son géniteur n'était que Gérard depardieu et leurs relations étaient absentes, ce fut le drame de guillaume,

il a vécu sur terre pas assez, une nouvelle étoile brille dans le ciel, il est serain maintenant, condoléances à petites fille. merci encore pour tout guillaume

john mc cain : obama not arabe

jeudi 9 octobre 2008

j'aime" quality="high" FlashVars="ql=2&src1=" wmode="transparent" bgcolor="#000000" width="460" height="350" name="acrobat_cube" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" style="height:350px;width:460px" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">"> align="left" src="" border="0">"> align="left" style="margin-left:5px" src="" border="0">

dimanche 5 octobre 2008

les amitiés particulières France song serge lama

Les amitiés particulières C'est quand les filles nous font peur Qu'on n'a pas trouvé la manière Pour se faire du bien dans le coeur Il est blond, comme elle sera blonde Les gosses sont tous efféminés Ce n'est qu'ensuite et à la longue Que la différence se fait Qu'il me lance la première pierre Celui qui n'a jamais joué Sous le pupitre en rêvant d'écolières Sous le pupitre avec un écolier Les amitiés particulières C'est quand les filles sont protégées Par leur famille et des barrières Qu'on n'ose pas faire sauter Il est brun, comme elle sera brune Les gosses ressemblent à des poupées Ce n'est que quand leurs corps s'allument Que la différence se fait Qu'il me lance la première pierre Celui qui n'a jamais joué Sous le pupitre en rêvant d'écolières Sous le pupitre avec un écolier Les amitiés particulières C'est quand les femmes nous font pleurer Et qu'en buvant son vin, sa bière On redevient un écolier Il est beau, comme elle était belle Mais lui, il a besoin de nous Et à l'instant on se rappelle Le temps des choux, hiboux, cailloux Qu'il me lance la première pierre Celui qui n'a jamais joué Sous le pupitre en rêvant d'écolières Sous le pupitre avec un écolier

lundi 29 septembre 2008

coquillages et crustacés, n'est pas homosexuel que l'on croit

"Les tribulations estivales d'une famille pas comme les autres C'est l'ete. Marc emmene sa famille dans la maison ou, adolescent, il passait ses vacances. Beatrix, sa ravissante epouse, partage son temps entre sa famille et son amant venu la rejoindre. Tandis que Laura, leur fille, attend avec impatience l'arrivee de son petit copain motard, leur fils Charly, 17 ans, recoit Martin, son meilleur ami, dont Beatrix et Marc ne tardent pas a comprendre qu'il est homosexuel...

les dieux du stade 2009 rugby 2009 extrait

mercredi 27 août 2008

six feet under, finale, song fabulous

a prayer for américan Barak OBAMA

a prayer for American Barack Obama Dave Stewart has put online a clip to support Barack Obama alleging `one of his songs co-written with U2 singer Bono and titled" American Prayer ". Along with the `ex-Eurythmics guitarist include many stars whose American Forest Whitaker, Whoopi Goldberg, Joan Baez, Pamela Anderson, Herbie Hancock, Joss Stone and Cyndi Lauper. Earlier this year when I was recording American prayer, a song I co-wrote with Bono, the phrase: "When you reach the summit of the mountain, remember me" seems to take a whole new resonance Given the source of inspiration candidacy of Barack Obama. The song is still one of my favorite passages of Dr. King, who was hauntingly rendered the night before he was assassinated. The king said: "I just want to do the will of God. And it allowed me to climb the mountain. And we've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. May I not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we as a people, get to the Promised Land! "People yearn for a connection if it is to music in their own country, or a great idea. Regardless of what happens in November, Senator Obama recalled millions of people they have the power to connect to more ideas. It is, in essence, the embodiment of a new anthem for change. He continued King's narrative of what was once considered a dream to reality. It seems to me particularly appropriate for Barack Obama accepts the Democratic Party nomination for president 45 years to the day of King's "I Have a Dream" speech. When we originally wrote the song, Bono has been the development of the words in a way that would make people think about the fact that "America" as a concept was really an excellent idea, based on basis of equality. I think it is more relevant than ever to get out now, when America is in the audacity to re-imagine itself and its place in the world. When I set out to make a video for the new version of the song, I wanted to honor all those millions of people, especially young people, who are for the first time, feeling able to express their beliefs. I wanted to understand how Obama's message change echoed across the broad fabric of what is in America. To do this, we cast the movie with an eclectic range of personalities, including Forest Whitaker, Jason Alexander, Whoopi Goldberg, Cyndi Lauper, Barry Manilow, Joan Baez, Macy Gray and Joss Stone. They appear alongside the veterans, teachers and everyday citizens who were all affected by this simple idea of change. As an Englishman, I am not an expert in all the complex details of U.S. policy. But as an artist, I understand how rare it is to inspire a connection to a larger idea or goal. This video is not so much an endorsement of Barack Obama as much as it is a celebration of all those who have picked up a sign, which have registered to vote and we're trying to make the world a better place. Thus, as Senator Barack Obama climbs the mountain, we must not forget all the others who over the past 40 years have sung hymns change to make this moment possible

mardi 26 août 2008

samir nasri, soccer joueur, the best, arsenal, samir is french

samir nasri sélectionné dans Sports et Foot

mal comme, christophe,

Mal comme : Christophe sélectionné dans Musique et Clips

mal comme, christophe," />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="358" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true">

the best : brent everett

Brent Everett Photos sélectionné dans Sexy et Sexy

dana international

in france, resumption of film to the east of Eden, with james dean, julie harris, film élia kazan, superb