jeudi 30 octobre 2008

voting machines accused of voting for républican

Voting machines accused of voting for republican

NOUVELOBS.COM ¦ 29.10.2008 ¦ 11:59

While, during the early votes, several appeals were put down(deposited) by voters, an association filmed the test of one of the questioned voting machines. This one transforms well the democratic votes into republican votes.

An image extracted from the video (DR)

An image extracted from the video (DR)

The association " Video the Vote ", the purpose of which is to watch the good progress of the American presidential election, has just put on-line a video seeming to confirm the first charges of dysfunctions of voting machines during the early votes.
For several weeks, the voters of several States already have indeed the possibility of voting, either by correspondence, or by e-mail, or by going(surrendering) in a polling station. Now, in several States, complaints were put down(deposited) by voters asserting that their vote was modified, and always in the sense(direction) of the democratic candidate towards the republican candidate.
For some days, various business(affairs) is relieved by the local press, notably in Tennessee and in Western Virginia. In each of these States, three voters put down(deposited) appeals.

In the presence of an official

The association " Video the Vote " thus decided to go(surrender) in a polling station of the county of Jackson, in Western Virginia, to verify, in the presence of an official, the good functioning of these machines.
Now, the test seems oppressive: effectively, every time the person in charge tries to vote for democrat, the vote refers on John McCain or on Chuck Baldwin, another candidate. The procedure foresees(plans) that in case of dysfunction, the machine has to be " recalibrée ", what makes the person in charge of the polling station. The machine seems at first to work correctly, but quickly, it begins again to modify the votes, this time of republican towards the independent Ralf Nader.

- The video

- Home Simpson tries to vote for Obama, a video alignment(on-line publishing) at the beginning of October

voting machines accused of

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